Established 1993
Tested by Time, Taught by Experience.
Only one goal - STUDENT SERVICE at its BEST.
Tested by Time, Taught by Experience.
Only one goal - STUDENT SERVICE at its BEST.
1. Unity in Diversity. The ACLAS believes that the Institute of Law of the Far Eastern University is a representative section of the Philippines, a microcosm of our society. As such, we reach out to the various persons, groups, affiliations, and organizations, in the Institute to foster harmonious relations with all students.
2. More than Adequate Representation. The Student Council should, first and foremost, be the voice of the students. As a Party, we believe in the truthful representation of the students’ concerns and grievances to the proper authorities – to fight no matter what and to face the consequences of our stands.
3. Freedom and Justice for all. The ACLAS’ main and foremost concern is the propagation of a free and just administration in the Institute of Law, either by the school administrators or the student leaders.
4. A Tradition of Quality Service. The ACLAS has been the hallmark of student oriented services. Ever since the party was established and countless student leaders have graced the party’s line-up, our projects have been hailed as exemplars of good student practices.
5. Truthful and Honest Administration. The ACLAS believes in the accountability of its chosen leaders. As such, we have been successful in keeping our role as stewards of the students’ trust.
1. Amendment of the Institute of Law Student Council Constitution
Amendment of the provisions limiting student participation in the electoral processes.
2. Institutionalization of the Commission on Elections and the Political Party System
Creation of a Fixed-term Commission on Elections in accordance with University Rules, creation of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure and the Institutionalization of the Political Party System in the Student Council Elections.
3. Pro-active support for the activities of the Central Bar Operations, Legal Rights Center, Far Eastern Law Review and the Moot Court Council
A more positive support for the Institutional Organizations of the Institute, i.e. financial, material and manpower support.
4. Creation of a Student Grievance Committee
The creation of this committee aims to provide an institutionalized venue for the redress of student grievances and look towards the resolution of the problems in a manner that is harmonious and acceptable to all concerned.
5. Continuation of the Law Student Newsletter under a revitalized and independent Editorial System
The Legal Advocate shall become an independent and institutional organization in the Institute of Law in order to foster higher ethical standards for the journalists who shall join its fold.
6. Institutional Celebration of the Law Week
The Law Week Celebration shall become an institutional event that shall mark the establishment of the Institute of Law. During the Law Week, student achievements shall be highlighted and awarded.
7. Institute Intramurals
Sports activities shall become a cornerstone agenda of the ACLAS. Mens sana in corpore sano. Competitive sports tournaments shall be held during the 1st and 2nd Semesters, in order to promote sports activities to all law students. We shall likewise bat for higher subsidies for participants in the Conflicts of Law.
8. Outreach Programs
The Outreach program is an integral part of the party objectives, which aims to help our less fortunate brothers, staying true to our Tamaraw traditions, and causing the development of our society in whatever small measure we may take.
9. Legal and Leadership Training Programs, Forums and Seminars
As law students, legal trainings are essential in our extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, if we can still manage our time. Legal Forums and Seminars should be conducted as much as possible because the Institute of Law is a respected member of the University, upon whom the rest of the studentry reposes their trust.
10. System-wide reform in the Enrollment Process
Problems in the Enrollment process have been the worse issue being raised by students year after year. We shall endeavor to try a new system-wide approach at the enrollment system in the upcoming Summer Enrollment.
11. Voice of the Students
We can never truly define the functions of the Student Council. The functions of the Council are defined by the needs of the students and our needs are overly changing. Just like our government, which cannot act properly if the citizens will not let their voices be heard, the Student Council cannot address your needs if you, the students, do not let us know your needs.
It is wrong to say that the Student Council is working for you. We aim to work with you, our fellow law students. It is with your cooperation that we will truly realize our goals. We are your ears. We are your guide. Never hesitate to voice out your concerns. We are your representatives, and it is our duty to make sure that you are represented.
This area is for students’ voices. We shall represent your voices; we shall promote your interest. You will be our first priority. We shall stand by you although out. We will do it, without promising. We will act on it, without speaking. We will make our stand; together we shall make a difference. Make yourselves heard. We shall make sure that it will reach the highest pinnacle of powers. We shall make it happen. ACLAS – Alliance of Concerned Law Students. All of us are concerned law students, ALL OF US ARE ACLAS!
1. Unity in Diversity. The ACLAS believes that the Institute of Law of the Far Eastern University is a representative section of the Philippines, a microcosm of our society. As such, we reach out to the various persons, groups, affiliations, and organizations, in the Institute to foster harmonious relations with all students.
2. More than Adequate Representation. The Student Council should, first and foremost, be the voice of the students. As a Party, we believe in the truthful representation of the students’ concerns and grievances to the proper authorities – to fight no matter what and to face the consequences of our stands.
3. Freedom and Justice for all. The ACLAS’ main and foremost concern is the propagation of a free and just administration in the Institute of Law, either by the school administrators or the student leaders.
4. A Tradition of Quality Service. The ACLAS has been the hallmark of student oriented services. Ever since the party was established and countless student leaders have graced the party’s line-up, our projects have been hailed as exemplars of good student practices.
5. Truthful and Honest Administration. The ACLAS believes in the accountability of its chosen leaders. As such, we have been successful in keeping our role as stewards of the students’ trust.
1. Amendment of the Institute of Law Student Council Constitution
Amendment of the provisions limiting student participation in the electoral processes.
2. Institutionalization of the Commission on Elections and the Political Party System
Creation of a Fixed-term Commission on Elections in accordance with University Rules, creation of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure and the Institutionalization of the Political Party System in the Student Council Elections.
3. Pro-active support for the activities of the Central Bar Operations, Legal Rights Center, Far Eastern Law Review and the Moot Court Council
A more positive support for the Institutional Organizations of the Institute, i.e. financial, material and manpower support.
4. Creation of a Student Grievance Committee
The creation of this committee aims to provide an institutionalized venue for the redress of student grievances and look towards the resolution of the problems in a manner that is harmonious and acceptable to all concerned.
5. Continuation of the Law Student Newsletter under a revitalized and independent Editorial System
The Legal Advocate shall become an independent and institutional organization in the Institute of Law in order to foster higher ethical standards for the journalists who shall join its fold.
6. Institutional Celebration of the Law Week
The Law Week Celebration shall become an institutional event that shall mark the establishment of the Institute of Law. During the Law Week, student achievements shall be highlighted and awarded.
7. Institute Intramurals
Sports activities shall become a cornerstone agenda of the ACLAS. Mens sana in corpore sano. Competitive sports tournaments shall be held during the 1st and 2nd Semesters, in order to promote sports activities to all law students. We shall likewise bat for higher subsidies for participants in the Conflicts of Law.
8. Outreach Programs
The Outreach program is an integral part of the party objectives, which aims to help our less fortunate brothers, staying true to our Tamaraw traditions, and causing the development of our society in whatever small measure we may take.
9. Legal and Leadership Training Programs, Forums and Seminars
As law students, legal trainings are essential in our extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, if we can still manage our time. Legal Forums and Seminars should be conducted as much as possible because the Institute of Law is a respected member of the University, upon whom the rest of the studentry reposes their trust.
10. System-wide reform in the Enrollment Process
Problems in the Enrollment process have been the worse issue being raised by students year after year. We shall endeavor to try a new system-wide approach at the enrollment system in the upcoming Summer Enrollment.
11. Voice of the Students
We can never truly define the functions of the Student Council. The functions of the Council are defined by the needs of the students and our needs are overly changing. Just like our government, which cannot act properly if the citizens will not let their voices be heard, the Student Council cannot address your needs if you, the students, do not let us know your needs.
It is wrong to say that the Student Council is working for you. We aim to work with you, our fellow law students. It is with your cooperation that we will truly realize our goals. We are your ears. We are your guide. Never hesitate to voice out your concerns. We are your representatives, and it is our duty to make sure that you are represented.
This area is for students’ voices. We shall represent your voices; we shall promote your interest. You will be our first priority. We shall stand by you although out. We will do it, without promising. We will act on it, without speaking. We will make our stand; together we shall make a difference. Make yourselves heard. We shall make sure that it will reach the highest pinnacle of powers. We shall make it happen. ACLAS – Alliance of Concerned Law Students. All of us are concerned law students, ALL OF US ARE ACLAS!