
Just a Side-step - I just remembered that day

I was seated by the sofa set when I got a text message, asking me to go out to the porch. We talked the usual subject, we laughed at the same jokes, especially the one that her friends made up, but I feel that there was something different that day. I gazed at the love birds just by the porch. Again I got a text message, saying those three words I have always wanted to hear. If I am not mistaken, it is past 5:40 in the afternoon. I asked what the meaning of those words is; she said that it means what it means. Res ipsa loquitur, as we lawyers, or would-be lawyers would say.

I have saved that message in my old SIM card, sad to say that it was lost together with my old cell phone. But the feelings never changed, the image of that special day has been photographed in my memory, and that day etched forever in my heart.

It would have been five years today. I miss you so much! Take care!

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